Sunday, May 30, 2004

Site Meter Check

Just making sure my site meter is on the page.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


I was just wondering and curious if it is possible for any Iraqi's-preferably living in Iraq- to answer a few questions I have. I would really appreciate any answers to the questions, and I'm serious about them and want to know how you feel personally.

1. What do the you think of America? Have we either helped you, personally, or do you feel we didn't?

2. When you see the pictures from Abu Ghraib-those disgusting, dispicable pictures- does this cause you to hate America? Or only those soldiers? And does it make you think that all Americans are immoral?

3. When the American was beheaded, by those evil people, in the name of your religion, does this make you upset? How do you feel about this and other situations like it?

4. Why not, instead of sitting back and complaining about everything- help out the Americans?

After all it is your country. For example, security- instead of letting people loot and rob, why not try to build up neighborhood policeman-that means everyone- to police each of your neighborhoods, of course telling the Americans so they don't think your insurgents.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Outraged by Beheading and Abu Ghraib

Any decent person-American,Iraqi,or other-would be outraged by both the beheading of a young American and the treatment of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib. These events, both of them, were shocking and disgusting. It is my true hope that the people of Iraq will be able to enjoy the freedoms that we, here in America, so much enjoy. I also hope to get some response and comments from those in Iraq and would love to be able to discuss some issues with them personally. I will go now, for that is all i have to say now, but i will be back and i hope to get off to a great start in building relationships between the people of America and the people of Iraq.